Saturday, April 30, 2016

4/30/16            Saturday            Cape May, NJ

Somehow NJ feels as if it is almost home....uh, that we are almost home to Maine. Not that NJ feels like home. No. But the Coast Guard station anchorage at Cape May is VERY familiar. We are within feet of where we dragged anchor last fall. BUT, we have a bigger better anchor and captain and mate...and mascot. So, thinking "all good."

Posting early as this has been a looooooong day - 4 AM - anchoring at 3:30 PM and that was all travel in between. The first hour + was in the dark, in a well lighted canal but dark nevertheless. Then lighter and lighter until full daylight by the time we exited the C&D Canal and entered Delaware Bay. The travel was mostly smooth and we had our companion boats in pretty close quarters 75% of the way. Dream Catcher ( Jayne and Gary) lead us out of the harbor and into the Bay. Opotamus (Bruce from Toronto) lead us down much of the bay. Grace took the lead when the current turned against us (bigger engine) and the wind was too much on our noses. And then along came Kindred Spirit (big engine trawler) to lead us all into the Cape May Canal...except Dream Catcher had to go around the point because her mast is too tall for bridges in the canal.

Seems as if we're all bedded/anchored down for the night even though it is not even 4: PM. Scotch is poured. Beans are cooking. Amelia as appeared for food, water and company.

Enough for this day.........except the photos.
Opotamus and her captain, Bruce
Dream Catcher

Pinaple ship

another version of a pink tree from
yesterday in Chesapeake City
this fuzzy lighthouse in Delaware Bay
reminds me of a Christmas ornament
view from David's office window

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