Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Joyful, joyful!!!

5/1/18  Beaufort, NC

What a delicious day, if windy. Both David and I (but not Amelia) slept late this morning then laid around in bed talking about the day ahead of us and of future days, expecting we're lucky enough to have future days. Over coffee we plotted out the remaining trip to Maine, having decided to take Grace back to Maine, and figure we have about 24 "travel" days. We need to be underway about 25 days. Of course, there are likely to be days when we can't travel due to weather, or fun, or weariness. And if we choose to go out into the ocean - outside - we could shave three or four days off that total.

I left the boat for a couple sun salutes and warriors on the marina deck around 1:00 PM, or maybe it was 2:00 pm. Being retired I'm not so sure. Off to the food store and our favorite (only in Beaufort) marine consignment shop. David found an oil extraction pump (! hurray) while I cleaned cat hair off the car seats with tape.

A brief chat with Sharyl. I wonder if my writings are mostly about our trip challenges. She is hopeful that we can have some relaxing times and enjoy that we sort of know what our plans are. While not totally relaxed, I'm enjoying most of this journey, even the scary and frustrating the big picture/long view. I appreciate her desire for us to have a good time and wonder that she thinks we're not. I am, lumps and all.

Various missions accomplished we decided to return the rental car today rather than wait for morning. We want to get off this dock before the wind picks up which it tends to do as the sun heats up the earth. Borrowed the loaner care from the marina so we wouldn't have to pay an Uber to return. It was expensive going to get the car.

I'd hoped for a trip to one of my favorite beaches, Atlantic Beach just over the Bogue Sound bridge. Sigh. No time if we were going to be ready for Holland to pick us up for dinner. Crossing the new high rise bridge to and from Morehead City I was so enjoying the view of the marsh lands, sand bars and waterways. God lives here. I know, God lives everywhere, but God really lives here.

The evening with Holland and friends was totally wonderful. His cousin, his daughter-in-law, and two friends (Ann and Wes). Good wine, excellent food and wonderful conversation. I'm amazed and delighted at meeting Holland, my dear friend Sybil's dear friend, and having these two evenings to get to know him. His friends and family embrace us and welcome us back even if Holland isn't here. He'll go back to his Honduras on Friday. This has been fortuitous timing.

And the contracting moon is still full enough to look full and huge as it rises. Late in the night it lights up our aft cabin brightly enough for me to read my watch. And tomorrow we start the extended trek home.

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