Wednesday, May 2, 2018

as perfect as possible - Belhaven

5/2/18, Belhaven, NC

This day of sailing and motoring was about as perfect as a day could be.

Check out the diamonds on the water. This was just past the Mayo Shrimp place we sometimes stop at but today we kept going. It was a long day from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 pm but an easy day of traveling...wide waters and deep waters and wind enough and from the proper direction that we sailed most of the time, augmenting our motor power.

David and I shared helm duty and sail handling duty pretty equally. He got a nap with Amelia on the bench seat in the pilot house while I sat at the helm. I got some reading done and a bit of email updates.

This ultra-modern house was on our route. I think it is different from the one I sent friends, Diana and Sybil, as a possible vacation gathering place for us three couples. It is stunning and totally isolated on the Pamlico River. But not for rent. At least there is a road that goes to it rather than a boat trip as is the "camp" across the way.

We passed a couple of boats today and were passed by several, mostly power boats.  We stopped in Oriental for fuel and met a couple and their young son who were from Amsterdam. They've been traveling for two years and are on their way to NYC and then back home. Maybe she and the youngster will visit in Maine.

We're both enjoying being "back on the waves." Loved the four days on land and loved, loved celebrating with Kathleen and all the cousins. Now, pleased to be back on the water making our way north to Maine. And we're enjoying being in familiar places. We'd considered anchoring a couple miles onward but, really, why stress in a new place?

More jewels on the water. Not much interesting scenery today that could be captured from a distance and on camera...but the glimmering water and delicious, warm sun!!! Yum!

Now on anchor, along with four other boats, in Belhaven. Dinner, a fine one of backed potato wedges, asparagus, and pork chops, and we're listening to classic rock and roll on the radio. Probably early to bed for an early start to a long day tomorrow. With good wind we may get across the Albemarle Sound tomorrow. Taking these beautiful days while they exist. Maybe Norfolk and Rebel Marine for Friday night potluck with our friends there.

Mary Snell's birthday tomorrow. Send her a message of love. I suggested calling her and David reminded me she was in Greece. We toasted her and our long friendship.

Our lives are really good. We know how very blessed we are.

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