Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Damp and chilly, Port Washington

5/16/18  Port Washington, NY

Up several times during the early morning to pee. Took some time on one of those early bathroom breaks to shiver my shoulders and discharge some of the fear from yesterday's boat ride. Then slept late.

David spent the day collecting and collating the information for his Captain's License renewal. I did some more cleaning up after our stormy experience. Boat is cleaner and more organized than its been in several weeks, maybe months.

We saw our friends Ken and Lisa on Quest pass by and called them. Made a date for later in the day. They offered to take us to get David's papers copied and to the post office. Their son is just finishing college here so they have access to a car. We made it to the library to copy stuff but the post office was closed before we finished. So we decided to have dinner out together and will get up early so they can take us to the p.o. as they head over to the college to do some volunteering. Perfect.

Sort of a day of rest. It IS cold and damp, though. May either have to go to bed really early or get the heater out.  Easy day. Nice to reconnect with our boating friends.

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