Friday, May 18, 2018

for no good reason, Port Washington, NY

5/18/18  Port Washington, LI, NY

For no good reason I was in a funk today. It is windy. It is damp. It is chilly. We're sort of captured on the boat because it is too unpleasant to get off the boat.

I was up early to talk with a friend, Betsy. All good. Coffee and much later breakfast. All morning David and I tried to figure our travel plans...always relative to the weather. This week two challenges:
1) can we get to Shelter Island to visit Diane and Don?
2) how to get me to ME for a memorial for friend and colleague, Walter Stump, over Memorial Day weekend (Sunday).

All works for Shelter and getting me to New London to either 1) rent a car; 2) take the train; 3) hitch a ride with friends (Rachel) but getting  to New London in time for the hitched ride requires a shortened visit with Don and Diane. If not for predicted bad weather, we could sail and motor all the way home and be there in plenty of time for me to get to Gorham, ME for the Memorial Service. We could even get home if we could motor on Wednesday - Sunday. is a no-go from Thursday - Sunday next week.

Now the plan is that friends, Dick and Nora, are also visiting D & D and I'll hitch a ride back to Maine with them and take the train from Saco to Freeport, pick up my car from Shannon and move into Lynne's house for several days. Amelia and David will stay on the boat in New London and I'll re-join them on Monday or  Tuesday wherever they are. Onset to also visit with Jayne and Gary would be my ideal. But as we've been saying, "our plans are fluid."

My funk was, I think, because I was looking at the weather, plotting course and time/distance math and "what if's" all morning. And I'm really sick of bad weather that I/we have to work around. I'm not being very spiritual about all this weather stuff.

And then I couldn't figure out how to start my crochet project that I've put off since January. Really. How difficult could this Basic Beginner Beanie bonnet (hat, but I'm into the alliteration) be. David got a bunch of stuff done to improve the boat...bungs in the trim piece, table leg glued back together.

I've been saved by Lisa's starting my crocheting project for me. We\ went over to their boat around 5:00 for wine and snacks. Lovely visit and she reminded me how to do various crochet things.As soon as I saw them I remembered but reading the instructions is so much more complicated that a hands on demonstration. We visited for a couple hours then came home for dinner. They leave tomorrow and we're not likely to see them for another year or so...unless they visit in Maine. Their son, who was arriving at the Maritime Academy at King's Point when we first met, graduates next weekend. Nice book ends to our friendship which we hope will last far beyond his graduation.

Tried to hydrate Amelia but the needle fell out...we weren't holding it in...and she only got maybe 30 ml rather than the 50 we usually give her. Her ankle is really giving her trouble, and she's limping badly. Ugh. Poor kitty.

We'll move to a different mooring tomorrow, across the bay to the yacht club where we can get showers and do the laundry. Both are needed and welcome.

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