Sunday, May 20, 2018

growing webs between our toes, Port Washington, NY

5/19/18  Port Washington, NY

Slept in. Seriously. until 9:00 a.m. Even Amelia stayed snoozing, only up twice during the night but had snacks in bed both times. If she was only 15 years old I'd be worried about her. At nearly 19 I'm thinking she's doing the visits with her angel relatives...which looks like sleeping in humans...and I don't want to disturb her too much, only checking occasionally to see if she is still breathing. Perhaps we'll try to hydrate her again tonight. Wanting to keep her comfortable if we can figure out what that is and how to do it.

We moved around noon today to get fuel. A mystery in that we used much less fuel than expected for no reason we can think of. Our fear is that during the T-storm when we took water into the boat, we may have also taken water up the vents into the fuel tank. So as I write David is pumping fuel from the bottom of the starboard tank to see if there is water there. Stinky boat! But a necessary precaution.

We had to get our showers at the yacht club before this fuel distraction event. The club is having its Commissioning this afternoon. I assume that means new Commodore and beginning of the sailing season. A dressy do and they didn't want us transients steaming up the showers. Totally understand and totally appreciate the hospitality of guest mooring and shower and get rid of garbage.

It has been pouring rain for about 12 hours now. There was a brief break in the drops as we came back from showers. Now it is just misting but a heavy, steady misting. I've hung my wet jeans along the overhead rail in the saloon and lit the oil lamps, hoping for some drying effect. Also tied my sneakers up there. It might be hopeless until the sun comes our...tomorrow, we think.

No water in the fuel. Maybe we - David - just tried to put fuel in too fast and it burped out at him, causing him to think the tank was full. When measuring the fuel level with our trusty stick it measures about 4" low which, spread over 10" by 4" could be 15 gallons. I was never very good at those "volume" math problems.

This light house and house is on Execution Rock, near the entrance to Manhasset Bay where we've been the past couple of days, our port after the thunderstorm and where our friends, Lisa and Greg, have their boat. I want to read the history. Did executions happen there on purpose? Or was it just a horrible shipwreck site?


5/20/18  Port Jefferson, LI, NY

And now it's Sunday and we're on the hook just over a beachy sandbar in Port Jefferson harbor. Easy and short travel day. Thunderstorms predicted this afternoon. Having had our fill, for the rest of our lives, of thunderstorms while underway we chose to stop early, just in case. We did have our ginny up part of the morning.

One of the LARGE ferries that go from Port Jefferson to the CT shore. This is likely to be one that Maggie and Shannon will ride next week to get Maggie to her Lacrosse game out here on Long Island.  We saw this one and another as we came toward Port Jefferson harbor.

I was a large deer on the sandbar/island and 2 geese. Lots of flies, the biting kind today. The wind is strong enough that I'm surprised they are a problem but they were. Not so much at the moment.

David and Amelia are snoozing. David has a bit of a stomach virus. I'm staying clear. Amelia is just old. I just finished my book, The Witch of Portobello. A favorite sentence, "The energy of love can never be lost - it is more powerful than anything and shows itself in many ways." Another: "You are what you believe yourself to be." Another: "Love is."

And this longer passage:
"Reprogram yourself every minute of each day with thoughts that make you grow. When you're feeling irritated or confused, try to laugh at yourself.Laugh out loud at this woman tormented by doubts and anxieties, convinced that her problems are the most important things in the world. Laugh at the sheer absurdity of the situation, at the fact that despite being a manifestation of the Mother, you still believe God is a man who lays down the rules."

Those are ideas I can try to incorporate.

Warm, filtered sun. There IS a drying effect.

And now...start a new murder mystery? crochet? nap?  Ahhhh, such good choices.

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