Monday, February 5, 2018

We're tipping

Vernon View, past Savanah, GA

We were up before dawn in order to make the bridge opening at 6:30. Otherwise we'd be waiting until 9:30 when rush hour(s) traffic had passed over the bridge. Beautiful morning! Beaufort lights in the distance, aft, as we make our way toward Port Royal Sound.

Our boat buddy, Kasey, was leaving a bit later but she was on the proper side of the bridge.

A great time at Lady's Island Marina. Great fun watching the Super Bowl though we were trying to help the Pats win. Sigh.

A pretty and pretty easy day of traveling across water and around bends we've visited before. Nothing terribly exciting or terribly difficult. A little chop crossing the big Port Royal Sound and turning into the "creek" at Hilton Head. We decided to not stop at Hilton Head as it is still too cool to enjoy walking and touring. Maybe coming home later in summer. Having seen many before, we're not as impressed with the larger - way larger - than necessary houses and the ostentatious display of wealth, beautiful as those structures and environments are.

It was fun to sight these tree birds -snowy egrets roosting together - those white spots in the trees. We saw many of these on our first trip but this is the first this trip. Don't know if we're just now getting to the range or if it is the time of year. Lots of dolphins today. They don't seem to like being close to our boat. They surface then leave rather than swimming with us.

Tempted as we were to stop at Thunderbolt and maybe visit Savanah we decided to move along. We're both more anxious to get south, farther south, and really line ourselves up for a decision about The Abacos. I wonder if we both are a bit nervous about that leap, so to speak, especially as it is nearly in range now. I flip and flop between feeling really confident and excited and really scared and timid about the crossing. David and I rotated helm time/reading time pretty evenly on this long day.

Found a lovely spot, recommended by Active Capitan, checked the wind and current, and anchored. Had a glass of wine with my honey in the sunshine on the aft deck. Couldn't convince Amelia to join us though. Took a nap in sun on same aft deck. Perfect.

Well, it WAS perfect. Then the wind shifted and........

.... we're aground.....
... and TIPPING...
... just like sailing....
.... except on a mudflat that is NOT FLAT....

Good thing we've had this experience before....last trip. This time I'm not frantically getting my life jacket on and putting the kitty in her harness and trying to get in the dinghy where it is at least flat. Nope.

Just counterbalancing to the best of my ability with a 20 degree tilt.

We'll wait for the tide to bring us back to some normalcy before trying to cook dinner.

We'll probably sleep with our heads at the other end of the bed though I hear that sleeping with your head lower helps nourish your brain.

And tomorrow we'll wait, again, for the returning tide to float us off, again.

Ah. Adventures!

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