Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Outside again!

Sapelo Island, GA

Easy, peasy day in the ocean. A relaxing break after last night's tipping adventure, we awoke this morning on an even keel, and floating calmly. I had an early phone date with dear friend, Judith, so got to see....   


Pulled the anchor around 9:00 a.m. and were off for a long but gentle day.

We both check the wind and the wave action predicted. Five to sic knots, waves 1-2 feet at 5-8 second intervals. Lulling if coming from stern quarter. Probably lulling from any direction.

Several dolphin escorted us out the Vernon River including a family that included two youngsters and an adult with a rick-rac fin, probably a close encounter with a boat prop.

We watched a swarm of birds, perhaps migrating but they were too far away to identify. And that was it for six hours of gentle seas, all the way to Sapelo Island, GA where we visited for a couple days last trip. Won't go ashore this time but love the Duplin River anchorage.

We had some anchoring stress, total for the day of stress-free boating. I was doing the releasing it out when David started backing the boat to set it. Oops! Me loosing control of the speed the anchor chain was paying out, danger of loosing fingers. After some fear-driven words and tone we rehearsed AND are beginning to learn how to use the windlass to brake the anchor. Needs work.

Lots of water and sun today. What's not to like about that?

We arrived at Sapelo Island, passing this Lighthouse. The Island is home to a small village (Hog Hammock) of mostly African American (Gullah-Geechee) folks and a marine research lab of mostly caucasian folks. The island has an interesting and depressing history of white privilege, power and money foisting oppression on people of color.  We enjoyed a tour and purchased a book by a local resident last visit.

The white fat bunny-looking things are snowy pelicans. Totally white except for black wing tips. Stunning! Now they probably have muddy feet.

We were anchored, successfully, by around 4:15, wine facing west into the sun, dinner finished and coffee ready for making in the morning.  ready for bed before 9:00 p.m.

Party animals!

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