Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Lake Worth, FL

Well, THAT was exciting. We were in the Gulf Stream. It was totally different from the water we were in before we were in the Gulf Stream...that plain, ordinary south FL coast water. It (gulf stream) was more organized and had BIGGER rollers....from the north.....which meant they were abeam....thus our lovely Grace rolled from side....not too scary but.....not at all pleasant.

so we aborted and came back to the anchorage almost exactly where we've been the past two days.

The full moon is beautiful from the aft deck with a dark and stormy drink, my husband and Amelia. Happy to be here. Happy to have stuck our nose out to see what was what. Proud of us all. We'll regroup and look for the next weather window and some other boat buddies to cross with.

Our buddy, Fordyce, is continuing and we certainly wish him easy travels and calmer seas. His boat is 10' larger than Grace and he has more "outside" sailing experience than we (in recent years).

 As we returned David noticed that our engine was overheating. A friend says that sometimes happens when there is a following sea and the exhaust can't get out. We'll do some traveling tomorrow to check out our hot engine.

Other exciting stuff happened today. We had to top off the fuel tanks this morning. That meant hauling the anchor.

This lovely flying fish is really our fouled anchor. It had literally tied itself in knots. We knew we were going in circles last night as the tide and current changed and ran against the wind. But this was surprising.

But notice the color and clarity of the water.

We disentangled. Went to Palm Cove Marina to get fuel and to go to the grocery store one last time before getting to the Bahamas....we thought.

Sweet place across from Peanut Island. Peanut Island is a park now, maybe a wildlife preserve, too. It used to be a John Kennedy place and there is a bunker that was a museum for a while. The bunker was in case of Cold War becoming hot, especially during the Cuban Missile Crisis. No longer able to visit it. Bummer.

Post fueling we called the Palm Beach Sailing Club where our mail has been delivered, to see if there was a mooring we could pick up for a couple hours. We needed to figure out how to hoist the dinghy engine relative to the dodger hoops. Yes! Did that stuff then went to the Club for showers. Terrific.

Back from showers, hoist the dinghy, secure the decks, release the mooring ball and motor up to where Seadyce was ready to go and....we're off!!!!

And now we're back.

It was a good rehearsal. Glad we made the attempt. Glad we bailed. Happy to wait. Thanks to all.

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