Monday, February 26, 2018

still here - Salerno/Stuart, FL

Port Salerno, FL

Almost sunrise. I heard an unusual noise on the boat deck and looked up in time to see Amelia's legs go by the aft berth port holes. Up I went. I love that she is comfortable enough to go out without "adult (human) supervision" but still fearful that she may fall off given her unsteady hips and footfall.
Photo was around 6:30 a.m. Amelia didn't stay out long, rather wanted food and attention. I fed her and we hung out on the pilot house sofa. Sweet.

Yesterday's big event...visit with my cousins, Nancy and Kathryn, and Kathryn's husband, Lew. I'm sure we did something Saturday day but don't remember just now what. Laundry? No, that's still to be done. Anyway, Kathryn and Lew picked us up around 4:10 and we met Nancy to visit "Compassionate Experience." Compassion Experience is a Christian-based organization with the mission of ending childhood poverty in other countries. A well respected organization by the charity watch organizations I trust. The CE works with local churches in about 25 countries to identify individual children most in need. Then the goal is to get them sponsored through age 18, cost is $38/month.  The "experience" is going through an environment of "home" and "my life" as described by the child. We go through a room that simulates her/his home, or school or local hangout, all with furniture, tools, books...anything that gives us a "taste" of the environment. All good but I wasn't as moved as I'd expected or hoped. The sound quality was great and story compelling. I needed more visuals and for the story in each room to be a little shorter. Actually the visuals - short video of children working, studying, playing, working - would make the presentation stronger for me. No hard sell. Worthy cause.

Post Compassion Experience and our critique we all went to dinner in a wonderful Italian restaurant that Nancy had found just next door to where her mom lived the last years of her life. Sweet to have that connection with my aunt as well as my cousins. Great food. Wonderful conversation and catch-up on these women's lives. I don't get to see them very often and we have only limited FB contact. So a special treat.

Sunday, 2/25, David and I borrowed Jayne and Gary's bikes and rode to the permanent Flea Market. Bike riding in this part of FL is wonderfully FLAT, my kink of bike riding. However, it was hot and coming home there was a terrific head wind. We got back and drank lots of water and collapsed on various floors in the boat, along with the cat, for a cooling nap.

And we accomplished our mission - fishing rod, reel, net. That's the net over my head like a hat. It was the safest way to carry it on the bike.

And as if that exercise - 4 miles on the bikes plus wandering (with intention) around this mega flea market for an hour, in the sun - wasn't enough, Lew and Kathryn came to take us to the Arts Festival in downtown Stuart. More walking in the sun and beautiful, fanciful art work in various forms/disciplines, most all visual - 3D, 3D, interesting use of odd materials like cattail reeds, jewelry, and farmers' market veggies and meats and cheese. Inspiring. Imaginative. And walking/talking with my family.

Back at the boat we agreed upon combining dinner on Jayne and Gary's boat, Dream Catcher. Somewhere in the day I gathered laundry, cut out and fitted fabric for hatch covering, and vacuumed. Vacuum bags were in the packages that were shipped to cousin Nancy.

A totally successful couple of days with friends and family.

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