Sunday, February 18, 2018


Serenity Island, FL

We're about half way down the peninsula of FL and this little island is one we've anchored behind before.   

This year there is a washed up boat ashore, about 30' and is like Kasey's. She suggested we take a closer look to see if there is anything useful she might need. The boat is covered with graffiti in many colors. Can't quite make out the writing but with my eyesight nothing looks obscene.

The extension of the island, mostly sandbar, had a couple shallow draft boats on it when we arrived. Everyone had departed before sundown and tonight we have the view of the island all to ourselves.

Once again we had a really slow out-of-the-starting-gate to our travels today. We were up fairly early and set about projects as soon as coffee was poured. David tackled putting a fan, operated by an on/off switch rather than solar switch, in the head. It is needed to dry out our "compost" in the composting toilet. I cut and hemmed the other door screen. I'm hoping to get some seam binding to add to sides when we get to a place to buy and sew. Not sure when/where that will be. Maybe Maine this summer.

We finally pulled anchor at 11:30. I took the helm most of the day. Easy except for the speed boat wannab's who've not learned, or else forgot, or else don't care...that it is safe and polite to slow down and not wake - rock the boat - of those you are passing or meeting. Our windows have salt water splashes al over them. Water over the bow sometimes, even if I turn into the waves thrown by the passing boats. Nevertheless, beautiful day with water deep enough to relax around. Ten plus feet. Piece of cake. 

David wasn't feeling well. Maybe the result of a bit of food poisoning from dinner out the night before. This evening he seems fine but he took a couple of naps while I was steering. He took the last 45 minutes and dealt with the anchor.

So, cozy, cool at Serenity Island.  

End of the Valentine flowers Sheldon brought when he came over to visit. Pretty. I need a vase!  Tomorrow, another beach!

1 comment:

  1. So fun reading you every day! Today starting a week or more of 70 degree weather. Love n hugs from Suzanne and Lee
