Friday, February 9, 2018

fog and rain and organizing

Cumberland Island, GA

We left our Brunswick neighbors (Ron or Don and Wendy from Charleston, SC) around 9:00 a.m. and headed out under clouds, low, full of water clouds. Easy way back onto the ICW then down along Jekyll Isle through really skinny water. White knuckle shinny (aka shallow) water, 5.5'-type skinny water and we draw 4.5'. Really skinny water. Watch the depth sounder readout and take a glance at the water ahead out the window. Really skinny water. Did I say that already? Did I mention that I was at the helm?!

We got to the bridge and to the anchorage we've visited before and the water finally came up to 10'. Love those double digit numbers! We'd become used to 35' coming out of Brunswick in the large (and deep) shipping channels.   Made it past Jekyll Isle and entered St. Andrew Sound.

Lumpy! Not aggressively so except in one place as we made a turn. Wind against current but, at least, the water was deep. Back in sheltered water along Cumberland Island. Ah, almost to our anchorage. Nope. It's Georgia. We wiggled and twisted and switchbacked and wiggled some more for hours still. Good water but took forever. Finally, rounded the turn into our overnight river. Found our friends really up-river beyond the National Park entrance. They were settled, aka anchored already, so didn't move. We dropped back down river and found a lovely spot across from Sea Camp. Our friends dinghyed in for a walk. We dallied, organized, had a drink on the aft deck. Looked for screens that we didn't find.  They are at home in the boat shed we both expect. So much left off the boat in David's hurry to leave and I wasn't there to help think of needs. Oh well. We have mosquito netting to make screens of.

So we didn't really connect with our buds but had a great phone conversation with Greg and Diane. They are leaving early tomorrow morning to make another skinny spot before the tide is low. We'll probably not leave as early as they but we may choose to not walk the island again, having done some major touring and walking here last trip.

Dinner, delicious dinner. Credit card payment made. Ready to check weather and call friends about meeting up tomorrow...maybe back at Jim King Park Marina in Jacksonville.

My life is good. Totally blessed.

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