Thursday, April 5, 2018

to the beach, to the beach, to the beach beach beach

3/4/18 7 Seas Marina between Port Orange and be more specific

Yesterday we left Titusville just at dawn. Not such a big deal because dawn is after 7:00 a.m. We went and went and went. No sails up but steering from the aft deck. Cool! and cooler than inside and a lot less noise from the engine.

We made our way through Haulover Canal. I saw two Manatee body parts...a nose and a tail flip and the tale, tale circle of the tail flip. Later after we'd passed through I heard the bridge tender say to some boats that there were lots of Manatees in the canal today so to go especially slowly.

The Mosquito Lagoon which is rather large and long, north to south. It is  really shallow except in the canal. All these little islands remind me of miniatures, something that might be created of clay for a scene in a movie. Lots of small power boats beach on them or fish nearby. To the east about 2.5 miles is another string of barrier islands and the Atlantic. I fantasize about anchoring and dinghying to the ocean barrier islands, and swimming.

We were in a parade of boats heading north, our two buddies and about 3 others that we kept leading or following most of the day. By 12:30 or so we were in Daytona Beach area. We passed our fav marina with the beach a block away. I was at the helm and kept going. David came up and wondered if I didn't want to go swimming. Well, of course, but we'd not discussed it and were already past.

This is why we keep missing our turns into places we can go to the beach. Amelia sleeps through her helm watches.

David phoned Seven Seas, yes they would love to have us stay with them again. Same as last time. Just tie up at the fuel dock, plenty of room. Linda would "let the boys know you're coming in." The "boys" are 28-45. One of the younger "boys" was recently killed in a motorcycle accident. The small staff there was a bit tender as they know each other well.

We turned around and were docked by 1:30.

The wind was onshore and fierce so we delayed going to the beach. Instead we finished scrubbing (!!) the deck with dish soap and rinsing it with salt water. Then we went after the trim on the pilot house. We didn't get a before shot of the dirty trim but notice the grey rail. The pilot house trim was more streaked with black. This rail has less wear and tear and dirt.

And here is the newly cleaned and oiled trim for the starboard side of the Pilot house. The port side is cleaned but not yet dry enough to oil. Perhaps later today.

We managed to entertain ourselves with these home beautification projects until the wind died down enough to make beaching it enjoyable.

Also called our friend, Sheldon, to see if he was available to visit. By chance he was in Daytona Beach so agreed to meet us after our beach trip.

He drove us on a bit of a sightseeing tour, looking for dinner. We ended up here at the Rum Grill (?) with the deck built around this big tree. Chilly night but good company and good enough food. The decorations included handmade signs. "If there's a will....I want to be in it." "Women grow your own dope...Plant a man."

And now it's today! Ta dum!  3/4/18

We had coffee and went to the beach. My Captain David is so accommodating of my wishes regarding swimming in the ocean. It was delicious. Delicious! Delicious!!! The wind was from shore so the waves were less fierce. Tide was higher so the beach was more even underfoot. We were there by 10:30-ish and must have played at riding waves for at least an hour.

And now we're on our way to Palm Coast Marina where we have a really cheap slip with no frills for the night. David needs to get many four hours boating days in  in order to renew his Captain's license, so we choose short days rather than 6-8 hour days. That's the plan until we run out of time necessary to get to Winston-Salem to celebrate aunt Kathleen and her 90th birthday.

On our way we saw this paddle wheeler steaming up behind us. We were approaching a lift bridge at about the same time so the bridge tender asked if we'd wait for the paddle wheeler to catch up, we being in front.
Of course. We decided to continue to lead through the bridge as the Lady Dolphin travels slower than we. All agreed.

This unfortunate boat...still not lifted from the Daytona bay.

Even though we are in the canal - ICW - the wind blew fiercely, gusting to 21 knots, part of our trip past Daytona. Not a big problem, just have to pay attention.

We pulled into Palm Coast Marina around 6:00 p.m. and have a slip next to buddies from our original trip two years ago. And met Denis and Linda from Hampden, ME. They'll head north in another month.

All good.

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