Monday, April 2, 2018

Lift off!

4/2/18  Titusville

They did it! And we watched it! About 90 seconds, maybe two minutes of viewing before the rocket disappeared into the clouds. Then the roar of the rocket engines rolled across the water to our boats. The sound lasted longer.

This is what we waited three days in Titusville to see? Yep. Worth it? Hmmmm, not sure. But it is impressive that this is even possible and that in two days the rocket will be rendezvous-ing with the space station, delivering goods for new experiments. Growing vegetables. Already the scientists have grown lettuce! I will say that I'm glad I didn't pay $50 to be at the Space Center for the launch. Though closer, the rocket would still have disappeared in the clouds.

Today was the first sunny, light wind day we've had in about three...almost since we got here.
Sunrise with the edge of the bridge on the right side. Beautiful color in the sky and in the water. I slept until around 7:00 a.m. Active dreaming night. I remember being in a group of maybe 7 or 8 women. I noted that that trio over there was doing something about theater tech (hanging lights?), a solo woman nearby was knitting or crocheting, a duet was handling another task. That left 3 of us without a specific task. I wondered what we might do but everything look as if it was being handled and our "help" would likely just interfere.

Another dream brought on by my current  book.

I spent some quality time on the seat in the pilot house with Amelia then made coffee and went to the aft deck to sit quietly...enjoying the new sun and warmth. My ancestors were very much present this morning. Just present. When they're here - Mother, Dad, grands, aunties Etoile and Murdell - I just enjoy their companionship. Generally, have a little chat..."thanks for showing up" and tell them a little of what I'm doing/feeling/ if they don't know already. I appreciate, out loud, how they've made so much in my life possible and appreciate their continuing love and support...and protection. Its a sweet, bittersweet feeling...loving the presence of their energy and sad that their physical presence is not here. Sigh. But always sweet to have their energy so near when it is here with me. Particularly fun since what I'm doing/where I am, is not something they've been able to do in their most recent lives. So does their energy "live vicariously" through my experiences? I like thinking so. Love and joy shared with those beloved energies/spirits.

Before David got up I washed the pilot house windows and cleaned the solar panels. Score one for my pulling my boat maintenance weight. We shared coffee on the aft deck when he got up. Amelia made several trips out to aft deck and a couple adventures to the foredeck. David and I talked about how our day might unfold...what with the rocket launch to go see.

The plan: dinghy in to pick up a few groceries and take showers. Bring Grace into the dock for diesel and water, get rid of any garbage and turn in our bath house keys. Then beauty and order, maybe even cleaning, on Grace before we take off south (!) about 5 miles for the best view of the launch.

 All went well... groceries, showers, back to boat, start the engine. It quit. Air lock somewhere in the system. Oh roll my eyes. David's too. While he bled the engine I swept and moped the galley floor, did a major washing down of the kitty litter Amelia had spread on walls and floors, and washed the few dishes from breakfast. Good to go in 1/2 hour. Phew!

Photo right has been our daily view minus sun for the past several days.

We left around 1:00 p.m. for the viewing site. Took our time getting there so that David could get his four hours of "sea time," a requirement for renewing his captain's license. I made some food to share with our friends on their boat and gathered the last, I hope, of the tax info our tax prep people need.

Fun sharing the launch experience with sailing buddies.

Moon loosing its fullness last night. The first time we've seen the moon since it was truly full. This is the last blue moon this year. The bridge is very lovely in the dark with the soft orange light glow on the supports.

And this magical moment as the sun was setting today.

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