Monday, April 23, 2018

beach and Southport


Holden Beach just after coffee. A walk and a sun salute and a couple of these. Beautiful, as anyone can tell, beach and morning. Quiet Sunday. Then breakfast of cereal, a chat with a young man who had brought his family (vacationing from Tennessee as they've done each year for the past 8) to the park and he couldn't resist coming to talk to us about the boat and cruising. On our way to Southport by 10 a.m.

A pretty and easy day of motoring Wind on our nose so we didn't even consider putting a sail out. We made good enough time. When we turned in to the Cape Fear River we encountered some waves, the wind against tide routine. Water crashing over the bow was a bit more than we'd expected but not awful. And our trip up river was very short to get to the marina we'd selected for tonight... the marina the Bald Head Island Ferry goes into. Gulp.

We found our way to our appointed slip, tied off, met some young men from Greensboro who have some ties to Maine. Talked with them, viewed their refrigerator, showed them the chemicals we've used to clean our teak, unloaded our bicycles and took off for downtown about 2 miles from the marina.

A joyful day. Southport is a pretty and old town. Lots of restored houses from the 1800s. Cute shops with some amazingly clever, artistic goods. I love looking at the fabric work, especially, whether functional or just beautiful handmade fabric things. In one store there were folded paper books...all the pages are folded to create something inside the book. Some of this artist's work had pages folded so that they "said" a word..."dance", "baby feet", "love" for example. Boggles my mind and I love it...the skill and patience of this particular art form is so inspiring.

And then there is this Happy Boat!!! The stern looks like a clown face or an Alaskan Native carving. We've seen this boat before, not sure where, and love the notion of it.

So we biked around Southport for several hours, down tree-lined streets, by the river through a lovely riverside park, finally ending our tour at Provisions where we'd hoped to get Shrimpburgers. But no. Only the Holden Beach Provisions has Shrimpburgers. Merde' Alores.

We managed to find something to eat that we could enjoy and did. Ice cream cone finished my meal intake for lunch , And then we rode back. My legs, especially, got tired and complained. I totally expect to be sore tomorrow.

Purple (or pink) house along the route yesterday.

We've recovered from the stress of the Rock Pile.

I'm having trouble realizing we are finally back in NC.

Off to Carolina Beach on this rainy morning of Monday,.

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