Monday, April 9, 2018

Jekyll Island


We're spending big bucks to stay at the dock on Jekyll Island. We've passed this by or stayed on anchor in the shadow of the water slide. But thunderstorms expected tonight...and....we've never been on the island before. It's more low key than I expected. My impression has been very wealthy, very expensive. Expensive, we've seen but not an excessive display of wealth. The boating, many live-a-boards, community here at the dock is friendly and boats are terribly expensive. 

We took a golf cart ride out to the beach. The beach is just on the other side of the sand dunes that are just beyond these trees. It was blowing and chilly-to-cold on the beach. The water was warm and the little shore birds were nonplused by our presence.

I did not swim or bounce in the shallow waves. The beach was really gradual and long in both directions. No humans except a family we passed as they came off the beach. They had a handful of perfect (whole) sand dollars about silver dollar size. A youngster, maybe 6, told us he'd eaten one. "With peanut butter on it?" I asked. "I hear they're better with peanut butter." His mom wasn't impressed.

Got rid of our garbage, our recycling and got showers so got rid of our dead skin and light stink. And we added fuel for the next leg of our journey. All this at the marina, not the beach.

The day of travel to get here was mostly non-eventful. Just going through all those GA twists and turns where you can travel for a couple hours then look across the marshes to see that you are only about 2 miles from where you started. We were hoping to get some "outside" (in the ocean) time and missing some GA twists and turns but that north wind just doesn't allow.

We spent last night (4/8/18) anchored at Cumberland Island, a favorite spot. Saw wild horses on the way in but none this morning on the way out. Too chilly. That travel, too, was pretty uneventful. We're in pretty familiar territory. Have to pay attention to chart and water depths but rarely any big surprises.

Yesterday we traveled along the Amelia River, bordering  Amelia Island.

Amelia, the cat, slept through most of it in spite of our shaking her to encourage her to have a look.

Simply no interest.

Road caution signs on the pavement.

Loving the BEACH regardless of temperature

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