Sunday, April 15, 2018

Beaufort, SC


This will be our third day on the dock here at Lady's Island Marina, north of the bridge and across the Beaufort River from Beaufort. We like the amenities - lounge, book exchange, walking distance to stores (food, hardware, liquor, ice cream), dock mistress and her mate and dog, people in general many who live aboard here. The down side this time of the Hungry buggers. They don't bother me as much as they like David but even a little bother by these nasty gnats is enough. We've figured how to secure the door screens...until Amelia pushes one open to go for her morning walk around the deck.

We're here to wait out high winds and thunderstorm predicted for this afternoon and tonight. We didn't need to stay for three nights EXCEPT that the next docking opportunity would be Charleston. Charleston is expensive in any circumstance (to dock) and there is a sailing race this weekend so any dock space that might exist will be even more expensive.

So here at Lady's Island...a nautical yard sale (we sold $4 and bought $52. typical of us but we have a radio for the aft deck.), yoga for me maybe twice, visit with our friend the dock mistress, TAXES complete and in the electronic mail and the "we owe" check in the land mail, maybe to vacuum the boat and reduce the cat hair and litter that is trapped in crevices.

I don't have a particularly good book just now. I started Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult about so many people involved in a school massacre. Not sure I can continue due to the bullying violence  - emotional, psychological mostly - perpetrated from kindergarten on the student who became the shooter. I read the ending as I'm wont to do when the suspense is too great but even knowing the ending and being curious about how the narrative unfolds to the book's conclusion, not sure I can endure the psychological violence.  I'm enduring Trump and that is exhausting enough.

We've had easy days on the boat these past several. Pretty landscapes. Familiar territory. David has fully recovered from his seasickness bout and is doing boat projects again. I suspect they will be inside wind means lots of bugs before the rains and higher winds come.

We'll travel the ICW Monday and Tuesday for sure, maybe past Charleston Monday (a long day) and on to the Wynyam Inlet/sound that Georgetown is. An enjoyed town but we don't need, nor do we have time, to stop there. Then we'll decide if weather is fair enough to cut off the "Rock Pile" near Myrtle Beach and go outside or plug along up the ICW. With my sailing angels with us we'll have some flex time to get to Kathleen's birthday celebration either route. No mechanical or health issues, please. (I have a back twinge from pushing the boat around the day we arrived here. Bummer.)

Showers to come...the ones for our sweaty bodies and the ones from the skies (for the earth's sweaty body?). 

1 comment:

  1. If you want to anchor near Charleston instead of dock there is a nice anchorage on Elilott Cut, at the west/east end of the cut we have stayed there several times called Wappoo Creek, two miles before the Mega City Dock. Another is theWest Bank fairly close to the Ashley River Memorial Bridge anchor about 750 feet north toward the bridge, from the anchor on Active Captain . Don't anchor at the anchor symbol there is a cable ,read the review from Eider, our cousin, we would anchor at Wappoo instead. One review says that they were kicked out but that has never happened to us. There is a tiny island we anchor on the shore side. Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck and travel safe. Give Amelia a hug and kiss for me.
