Tuesday, May 10, 2016

5/6/16        Friday        Brigantine, NJ             still.....

Wind, Wind, Wind and Gray, Gray, Gray. And Chilly, Cold, Cold, Snarky, Snarky

The sun DID come out today and we all couldn’t figure out what was happening it has been so long since we’d seen it. Thank goodness our buddy boat friends rescued us – again – from each other and another dreary day on the cold boat.

We dinghied to shore, walked and walked to the hardware store to drop off our propane tank then walked and walked some more to the liquor store. Went to the beach. Waves were small breakers but very frequent and really windy. We all congratulated ourselves on being in a good anchorage and not in the ocean.

We, mostly David and I, lugged our heavy collection of wine and alcohol back to the hardware store. There we bought a new propane tank and hitched a ride with one of the store staff back to the PO across from the dinghy.  Made it in time to buy stamps and mail our property tax check assuring that it will get there before due date. Phew! Back in the dinghy and home to Grace.

Friends came aboard for wine and dip that Jayne made and gave us. Warm, Cozy friends. They left and David and I had small dinner and a long conversation about our boating, aging future.

David learned that James Brown is thinking to sell his Nauticat. It is like ours with a much newer engine and some “improvements” like a shower and a composting toilet. It is in Boot Key. He asked that I just “go with” the fantasy of us buying it (a water home in ME and one in FL) for a few minutes. I tried. Couldn’t really do it. Not while being stuck for several days in grey, cold weather on a cold, small boat in a strange harbor - pond of water, really, not a harbor with facilities.

Really, a boat in FL, a boat and a house in ME and a lot in FL???!? And not any boatS but two live-aboard boatS. How are we to support such lavishness, financially or geographically? Especially after just dipping into investments to pay property taxes in Maine? Sell the ME house? Possibly. But I’m not ready to give up my land-based home. I doubt that I’ll ever be ready to give up a land-based home.  My sense of security is dramatically tied to land. David has been telling people I want to get back to gardening. That is partly true. But those are his words for why I want to get home to ME, the reason HE can think of. I want to get to my house – from which I expect to eliminate lots of stuff so that I feel more mobile and it is more rentable for future adventures away – to the land and plants and neighbors and friends and earth/dirt. I’m not interested in loosing that earth connection.

 We ended the conversation with neither of us pleased. Not sure of the future of these machinations. I appreciate David’s thinking about how to not live in Maine in the winters, and we both know living on Grace (without the travel) is way more affordable than any additional house, owned or rented. And we agree that the down and back travel is to be avoided somehow. We talked about buying a small powerboat for Maine and putting Grace on the hard in the south in the summer months.  Lots to consider and options to discover and play with. But the notion of purchasing another live-aboard boat and getting rid of land-based home in order to afford it?  Not a good time to bring that possibility up after 4 dreary cold days on the hook, dependent upon others to get to land.

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