Monday, May 9, 2016

5/4/16        Wednesday        Brigantine, NJ            STILL here!

Back in the blog the tune of Back in the Saddle Again.

Our big adventure was a trip to town…a flotilla of 2 dinghies. I went in one with Larry and Shannon, David followed with Jayne and Gary. It was a long way to the end of this little lake/inlet we’re in but a comfortable enough ride w/friends even with the wind cooling all our body parts, especially exposed hands and noses. Pearl the dog was shivering. She’s lost her winter coat in FL and this feels like November weather.

Town was neat enough – food store, Dollar Store, hardware or automotive store for the men, drug store for the women. Checked into the liquor (package) store which was also a bar and pool hall. Whoa! To expensive for either family. Back to beer and coffee.

Back on the boat, tried to stay warm in the saloon with the propane heater. When that didn’t work, back to bed. I’m back to reading a book I’d put down for a while, Waiting for Snow in Cuba. Enjoying it more now that we’ve moved out of the author’s childhood under Batista. It's such a complicated history we have w/Cuba. The Bay of Pigs debacle was horrible as was much of relationship since.

I’ve made some inquiries regarding my lack of access to my blog. This is frustrating in that I don’t know where the problem lies – at Bates or at Google or with my luddite-ness. It is too frustrating. I don’t want to start emailing my ramblings to friends or followers, especially since I don’t know who the followers are.

Late dinner. Some work on FACA. Chilly and waiting for wind to abate….in 3 days.

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