Tuesday, May 10, 2016

5/5/16          Thursday        Brigantine, NJ

Keeping up w/blog via word document journal.

Cinco de Mayo!!! Feels and looks like November with a gale a blowin’.  David is more bored than I am. I didn’t even get out of my jammies today. Just put clothes on over them. Not expecting to go anywhere in the wind, deflated dinghy and cold.

Staying warm
Made soup. Did some computer work. Read a bit. Did some FACA volunteer work. Researched our collection of LED lights and decided they are not what we want on boat (too r&r light show type and require AC connection). David looked for lamp oil (for heat) without finding any and looked for lamp wick without finding large enough piece. We both wondered where the pipe insulation that we used as draft doggers was stored. David realized we had that on our first attempt at ICW way back there in fall 2014. So, probably didn’t bring it with us. Noodles are prettier colors anyway and can be color coded to specific places.

Meanwhile, we look for ways to conserve heat, keep it in rather than try to heat the entire outside of NJ.

Did some good work – David did, really – on FACA fundraising and drafting a Prospectus for the same. Trying to fund an option on a building that many of us have eyed for years as a theater/arts & cultural center for Freeport. We have a board meeting that we will phone into. Hoping to be productive and helpful even while feeling outside our funding element.

Blog update is that several Bates staff have had same problem so wondering if it is Bates system-wide distress OR Google-wide distress. Smarter people are researching it.

We’re trying not to get snippy in our boredom. I’m trying to not feel guilty for not working on the same things, in the same way, that David is working on.
rain, wind, cold

My hero over there to starboard!

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