Monday, May 9, 2016

5/3/16         Tuesday            Atlantic City, NJ....still

We’re here for a while. High winds from wrong direction. High seas…from any direction would be a no-go. Storm clouds.

Not sure if it is the closing in on the end of our journey or just the clouds and lack of travel movement but I’m very reflective today. Also, up early in the quiet with kitty but David still sleeping.

I’m wondering about closing doors…to opportunities, to hurts, to people, to risk. Which doors do I purposefully close and how tightly. I declined a MAC job for the summer, not realizing exactly what the job was but even so, not wanting to go that road just now. So a door closed but not slammed and not shut tightly, I hope.

What doors to allow to close? What doors to purposefully keep cracked a bit? What doors to fling open with wild abandon without knowing what is possible(y) on the other side?

I’m curious about the relationships I’ll end? Or let slide? Or nurture? How will I choose. Will there be a difference in the land-based friendships and the water-based friendships. On the water they have been short with some intensity due to the nature of travel and newness.

On the boat today we burped the heating system in hopes of having more heat when we are underway again…and a couple of games of “Take 2” after dinner.

Photos of the Atlantic City light show from last night:
Fog or not, advertisements go on

wonder how much ad costs

These are from the casinos in Atlantic City, across harbor from Brigantine.

From the true distance

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